Last time I was here, I wrote about failure. This time, I want to talk about SUCCESS. First of all, let me ask you, when you experience...

I want to talk about failure. I mean, no one wants to talk about failure. Ha! I am sure most of us wish there was no such thing in the...

I left my heart in jail last night
I want to talk to you about teaching yoga at the jail and humanity. Today we taught our last class there. We've been doing it just over a...

Finding Centre
This morning, in the first moment of awareness of being conscious, the first thought or emotion that enters my head is a crushing weight...

Sashimi and Avocado Salad
I just used some tuna belly (toro) sashimi left over from lunch at a restaurant and laid it over a bed of lettuce, with cucumber, tomato,...

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
One of the things I love about being a teacher of yoga is that it regularly forces me to examine my own life and how I am living it. This...

Fear and Uncertainty
When fear and uncertainty are present, you can almost be guaranteed that you are on the right path. In fact, there really is never such...

MARKERS OF SUCCESS A friend was lamenting to me recently about how hard it feels like she is working, so diligently, but that she just...

Healing in Nature
Oh, nature, how I love thee. In my university days, we studied the poet Wordsworth who was a great lover of nature. In nature, there is...

Refining Our Perception
"Yoga is 99% practice, 1% theory". ~ Sri Pattabhi Jois Illusion Sometimes we, as humans, get fooled into thinking the world is all that...