How to have a shower in winter
The information contained in this post is essential information you will need should you find yourself needing a bath in Northern India...

Waking up this morning. Brrrr. We've been here 6 days. Mornings are still FREEZING! Not used to it, still. I'm thinking about the warmth...

Remembering How to Live
This trip is a process of remembering. I had forgotten what it is like to warm yourself in the morning by doing the yoga equivalent of...

Just a small existential crisis
Having to remember... how to have baths from a bucket, remembering washing clothes by hand. Remembering how to live simply again. It has...

Going to India
It will be my first time back since 2014. A LOT changes in 5 years. I am traveling with my mom and Nakul, my husband. To be honest, he...

More musings on death
I've been thinking about death. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that my heart and spirit have been processing it, not my rational,...

Why do we DO yoga?
Why do we DO yoga? So firstly, we “do” the yoga postures for a few reasons. To heal the body and to optimize the bodies systems so...

I am hawk
We don’t have to go far to travel. Traveling is about getting outside of your regular routine, your daily “grind” and removing yourself...

Taking it Back
I’ve been thinking about “taking it back” lately. Taking it back to a time when we, as a species, were more friendly, more open, less...

Today it is breathtakingly, HEARTBREAKINGLY beautiful, stunning, and awe-inducing here. I could stand there and drink in the view for...